Favourite simple moments ~

Simple beauty

Amongst the rustic leaves and bunting

Lunch time companionship

A scattered array of photographs . . .

* Puss cat lunch breaks
* Autumn touches in the changing meadow
* Tea lights after dark to warm a cosy room

It's the little joys which bring the most contentment.

Little joys are the special things which cost nothing, but are worth more than gold. The tiny details that can make such a difference to your day. They uplift, inspire, motivate and comfort. Some find it when beside friends, others by themselves, but favourite moments often come without planning or preparation - it's not until afterwards when we acknowledge how happy we feel.

Make time for your favourite moments. Contentment and happiness should be a way of living, not purely a destination to reach some day . . .

It's the simple joys which fondly stay with you the longest I find, don't you?



  1. What beautiful, peaceful images and words. I agree, the simple things bring the most joy.

    1. Thank you ever so much Suzy Mae. So kind of you to leave such a lovely comment. Xx

  2. I love the simple joys as well. It really makes me slow down, relax and enjoy life stress-free. Definitely something I need to do more often. Thank you for your post!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave two lovely comments. I quite agree, it's so tough to stop and pause at moments, but the simple little joys are waiting there, and make it so worthwhile to help us go down a gear. Xxx


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